Admissions and Registration

  • Students must enroll for an entire semester. Enrollment forms must be submitted before classes begin. 


  • Tuition and mandatory Event Fee must be paid in full for the entire semester upon enrollment.
  • For students who enter mid-semester, tuition will be prorated by the week.
  • Monthly plans may be granted on case-by-case basis. A $20 split payment fee will be charged per payment.
  • Payments should be made by check or credit card, payable to: “San Francisco High School of the Arts”.
  • Fees for supplies, equipment rental, events, uniforms, costumes, etc. are not included in the tuition.
  • Discounts: Discounts apply to group classes ONLY. Sibling discounts are taken from the least expensive tuition(s).
  • Overpayments/credits: Positive balances from overpayment or enrollment changes will become in-house credit for future use.

Delinquency in Payment

  • A $25 penalty fee will be charged to the student’s account for each week that tuition or fees are overdue.
  • Delinquency in payment will result in suspension of lessons until account is paid in full.  Such suspended lessons are considered unexcused absences and the student is still responsible for their payment.
  • Returned checks: $30 fee charged per returned check. Repayment must be made before lessons resume.
  • If San Francisco High School of the Arts (hereafter HSArts) finds it necessary to employ outside collection services, the party responsible for payment of all academy bills will pay the cost of such services, as well as reasonable attorney fees and court costs.

Withdrawals / Program Cancellation

  • Withdrawal from a group class will be prorated until the third lesson, after which no refunds will be given.
  • HSArts reserves the right to cancel programs with insufficient enrollment. In this event, you will be notified and given the opportunity to transfer to another class or receive a full refund.

Students are expected to be present for all lessons for which they are registered. Students should notify the front desk or teacher of absences as a courtesy to the teacher, although this does not excuse payment for contracted lessons. When a teacher is absent, the lesson will be made up or the student’s account will be credited.

Photo Release
You or your child might be photographed at various school functions. These photos may be used for publications or on our website. In such cases, there will be no compensation, recognition, or acknowledgement to you.

Policy Revisions: HSArts reserves the right to change any published programs, policies, or requirements at any given time.

Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
HSArts does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin in administration of its admissions policies and school-administered programs/activities generally made available to students in the school.

Philosophy and Policies
HSArts believes that the best education for today’s youth is to enrich their lives with the beauty and strong values of traditional arts such as honesty, tolerance, respect, and benevolence, which transcend all cultures. Accordingly, HSArts reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student if HSArts concludes, in its sole discretion, that the student’s progress, conduct, or influence is not in keeping with HSArts’s standards. Further, HSArts reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of a student, or to decline to offer re-enrollment to a student, if HSArts, in its sole discretion, decides that the actions or inactions of a student’s parent/guardian prevent a positive working relationship or interfere with the accomplishment of HSArts’s Mission.

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Stay in Touch!

Let us know what you're interested, and we'll be in touch very soon! You can also email us at enrollment@hsarts.org
